
Product Development

Pre-soldered connectors: High-quality and customized

The core com­pe­tence of the FEW Auto­mo­tive Group is the man­u­fac­tur­ing of tech­ni­cal­ly high-qual­i­ty and cus­tomized sol­der­ing con­nec­tors for auto­mo­tive glass pan­els. We find tai­lored solu­tions in close coop­er­a­tion with our cus­tomers that are spe­cif­ic, unique and pre­cise­ly appro­pri­ate for the respec­tive require­ments. We man­u­fac­ture pre-sol­dered con­nec­tors for wind­shields, side win­dows and back­lites with any desired func­tion­al­i­ty, shape and size. In doing so, high pre­ci­sion, con­tin­u­ous process con­trol and the use of inno­v­a­tive tech­niques are our basic prerequisites.

Optimal determination of the solder volume

We con­cern our­selves with the best pos­si­ble imple­men­ta­tion of your indi­vid­ual requests. There­fore, we deter­mine the per­fect sol­der vol­ume dur­ing pre-sol­der­ing of the sol­der­ing con­nec­tions based on the prod­uct require­ments. Close con­sul­ta­tion with our cus­tomers and pre­cise imple­men­ta­tion of the planned prod­ucts pro­vide for a high lev­el of process capa­bil­i­ty and supe­ri­or fur­ther processing.

Successful development of lead-free connectors

Since Jan­u­ary 1, 2016, heavy met­als such as lead may no longer be used in pro­duc­tion of new mod­els in the auto­mo­tive indus­try in accor­dance with the EU End-of-Life Vehi­cle Direc­tive (Direc­tive 2000/53/EG). FEW Auto­mo­tive Group has devel­oped a solu­tion to equip con­nec­tors with lead-free sol­der. In an exten­sive process, we man­u­fac­tured it and test­ed it togeth­er with our cus­tomers, and we have now suc­cess­ful­ly imple­ment­ed it. The lead-free sol­der­ing con­nec­tors have, in the mean­time, become stan­dard for our range of prod­ucts and are con­stant­ly being fur­ther devel­oped in close con­sul­ta­tion with our customers.


Our Locations

Product Development

FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG Polier­weg 6 04442 Zwenkau Germany


Product Catalog


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