
FFC soldering connectors for windshields (Flexible Flat Cables)

Product features

Due to the cop­per strips lam­i­nat­ed on both sides, the FFC con­nec­tors are ide­al for apply­ing elec­tri­cal con­tact for heat­ing grids in a lam­i­nat­ed safe­ty glass.

  • Sin­gle or mul­ti-pin con­nec­tions in var­i­ous lengths
  • Cable cross sec­tion: 0.5 mm2 to 6.0 mm2
  • Length of the Kap­ton tape: 40.0 mm to 280.0 mm exclud­ing housing
  • Width of the cop­per foil: 6.0 mm to 95.0 mm
  • Con­tacts and hous­ings neu­tral or with OEM logo
  • Over­mold­ing accord­ing to cus­tomer requirements
  • Selec­tion of var­i­ous foil mate­ri­als and adhe­sive tapes
  • Sol­der­ing depot can be imple­ment­ed in coor­di­nat­ed vol­umes, alloys and flux­es depend­ing on the cus­tomer’s requirements

Copper stamped parts

Cop­per stamped parts can be used as a con­nec­tor piece from the flat con­nec­tor to the pow­er bus bar.


Laminated copper stripes with electrical contact to the ground stud

Lam­i­nat­ed cop­per stripes with punched hole are an ide­al fas­ten­ing option for wind­shield heat­ing pan­els between the roof lin­ing and the chas­sis due to their flat shape.


Combination of laminate and round wire, protected through overmolding

This con­nec­tion is best suit­ed as an inter­face between the lam­i­nat­ed wind­shield or back­lite and the elec­tri­cal sys­tem. The flat design is char­ac­ter­is­tic for the com­bi­na­tion of lam­i­nate and round wire.
