
Connectors with round wire with coils and capacitors

Product features

Con­nec­tors with round wire with coils and capac­i­tors are used as con­tacts to the heat­ing grid. These com­po­nents pre­vent dis­rup­tive sig­nals from reach­ing the pan­el and inter­fer­ing with anten­na signals.

  • Con­nec­tions can be com­bined with var­i­ous com­po­nents, for exam­ple with coils and capacitors
  • Con­tacts and hous­ing neu­tral or with OEM logo
  • Wrap­ping made of felt or foam as pro­tec­tion from sharp edges and to pre­vent noise emis­sion can be installed
  • Clips can be installed upon cus­tomer request
  • Also avail­able in a lead-free variant

Product examples