
Your experts for connections for automotive glass panels

The FEW Automotive Group in profile

FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KGFEW Auto­mo­tive Group –, found­ed in 1995, is a suc­cess­ful and inter­na­tion­al­ly active sup­pli­er for the auto­mo­tive indus­try. We, as one of the lead­ing glob­al man­u­fac­tur­ers of con­nec­tions for auto­mo­tive glass pan­els, work close­ly with our cus­tomers to make tech­ni­cal­ly high-qual­i­ty, cus­tomized products. 

Our soldering connectors: High-quality connections for heating panels and antennas

These pre-sol­dered con­nec­tors con­nect the elec­tri­cal sys­tem and the appli­ca­tions for heat­ing pan­els, anten­nas and sen­sors on wind­shields and back­lites. The unique exper­tise of FEW is based on var­i­ous pil­lars: We bring high­ly qual­i­fied employ­ees and high-per­for­mance sup­pli­ers togeth­er with an above-aver­age lev­el of automa­tion and a con­tin­u­ous process control. 

Connections for automotive glass panels at the highest level

We suc­ceed in mak­ing supe­ri­or prod­ucts through a tar­get­ed qual­i­ty man­age­ment sys­tem and indi­vid­u­al­ized adjust­ment to cus­tomer requests. Quick, bind­ing and dead­line-dri­ven deliv­ery of those prod­ucts of course goes with­out say­ing for us. 

We are glad­ly avail­able to you for a first-class imple­men­ta­tion of your projects – just con­tact us!

Company history

  • 1995

    Com­pa­ny is found­ed under the name Fahrzeugelek­trik Weimann GmbH

  • 2000

    Acqui­si­tion of all cus­tomer con­tacts and machines from Ger­man com­peti­tor KEVER

  • 2001

    Change of name to Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG

  • 2004

    Pro­duc­tion area of the cur­rent head­quar­ters in Zwenkau is dou­bled to 3,500 m²

  • 2004

    Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion accord­ing to ISO TS 16949, DIN ISO 9001 and DIN 14001

  • 2005

    Expan­sion onto the US mar­ket; first cus­tomers head­quar­tered in the USA place orders

  • 2005

    Begin­ning of pro­duc­tion of flat con­nec­tors / flat rib­bons for wind­shield connectors

  • 2006

    Entry onto the Chi­nese mar­ket; a sales office is founded

  • 2006

    First pro­pri­etary sol­der­ing devices and lead-free solu­tions are developed

  • 2009

    Expan­sion of the pro­duc­tion loca­tions to Shang­hai (Chi­na); cre­ation of a sales rep­re­sen­ta­tion in the USA

  • 2011

    Estab­lish­ment of a high­ly-auto­mat­ed pro­duc­tion line for the USA to secure the com­pa­ny’s posi­tion on the US market

  • 2012

    A new pro­pri­etor invests (100% of the shares, no pri­vate equity)

  • 2014

    Renewed expan­sion of the pro­duc­tion area and admin­is­tra­tion at the Zwenkau head­quar­ters to 4,800 m²

  • 2015

    Start of pro­duc­tion of lead-free connectors

  • 2016

    Sales rep­re­sen­ta­tion in Japan is founded

  • 2016

    Expan­sion of the area in the USA plant

  • 2017

    The FEW plant in Shang­hai moves into a new pro­duc­tion build­ing with expand­ed square footage

Our Locations

Company Profile

FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG Polier­weg 6 04442 Zwenkau Germany


Product Catalog


Down­load our cur­rent prod­uct cat­a­log here.