
Connectors with braided wire

Product features

The con­nec­tors with braid­ed wire, as a braid made up
of indi­vid­ual wires, are an alter­na­tive to the connectors
with round wire for heat­ing grids. They are very robust despite their high flex­i­bil­i­ty and low weight. A low instal­la­tion height is achieved due to their spe­cial design, and in addi­tion, they allow for auto­mat­ed processing.

  • Cable cross sec­tion: 2.5 mm2
  • For inter­fer­ence elim­i­na­tion, the con­nec­tors can be out­fit­ted with coils
  • Avail­able sizes: 
    • Sol­der bridges: 12.0 mm and 20.3 mm, as well as 24.2 mm
    • Addi­tion­al sol­der objects and sizes can be selected
  • Pre-sol­der­ing: Alloy, flux and sol­der quan­ti­ty accord­ing to the cus­tomer’s specifications
  • Weld­ing a pre-sol­dered braid­ed wire instead of the sol­der bridge possible
  • Wrap­ping made of felt or foam as pro­tec­tion from sharp edges and to pre­vent noise emis­sion can be installed
  • Also avail­able in a lead-free variant

Connectors with braided wire with blade terminal and pre-soldered solder bridge

Con­nec­tors with braid­ed wire with blade ter­mi­nals are avail­able in var­i­ous lengths. At the same time, the blade ter­mi­nals can be bent into the angle need­ed. Man­u­fac­tur­ing is ful­ly auto­mat­ic and, as a result, is par­tic­u­lar­ly cost-effective.


Connectors with braided wire with coil

Con­nec­tors with braid­ed wire with coil are used to remove inter­fer­ence from sig­nals to the elec­tri­cal sys­tem and can be changed in struc­ture accord­ing to the cus­tomer’s require­ments. They can be expand­ed either with eye­lets or blade ter­mi­nals as needed.


Connectors with braided wire as T‑model

Braid­ed wires with more than two sol­der points are used to opti­mize the sup­ply of pow­er to the heat­ing grid. The sol­der can be applied direct­ly to the wire or onto a clip pre­vi­ous­ly crimped to the wire. If it is nec­es­sary for the sup­ply of pow­er to place the sol­der points at great inter­vals from each oth­er, then the T‑model is the ide­al solution.


Connectors with braided wire with soldering clips

Braid­ed wires with sol­der­ing clips are used par­tic­u­lar­ly when sol­der­ing by resis­tance. The sol­der­ing clips are crimped around the braid­ed wire at defined inter­vals and enable an auto­mat­ed sol­der­ing on the pan­el. Because sol­der is applied with­out appli­ca­tion of heat to the braid, unde­sir­able influ­ences on the braid­ed sin­gle wires are also prevented.
