
Connectors with round wire with pre-soldered solder bridge

Product features

Pri­mar­i­ly for use as a heat­ing grid con­nec­tion, these con­nec­tors with round wire can be select­ed in many dif­fer­ent vari­ants. The high dimen­sion­al accu­ra­cy of the sol­der bridge, com­bined with a per­fect­ly adjust­ed sol­der vol­ume, are a guar­an­tee of high process capa­bil­i­ty dur­ing soldering.

  • Cable cross-sec­tion: 0,22 mm2 to 6,00 mm2
  • Con­tacts and hous­ings neu­tral or with OEM logo
  • Avail­able sizes: 
    • Sol­der bridges: 12,0 mm and 20,3 mm, as well as 24,2 mm
    • Sol­der platelets: 6,0 mm x 8,0 mm / 4,0 x 4,5 mm
    • Addi­tion­al sol­der objects and sizes can be selected
  • Pre-sol­der­ing: Alloy, flux and tin sol­der quan­ti­ty accord­ing to the cus­tomer’s specifications
  • Over­mold­ing accord­ing to cus­tomer requirements
  • Wrap­ping made of felt or foam as pro­tec­tion from sharp edges and to pre­vent noise emis­sion can be installed
  • Also avail­able in a lead-free variant

Connectors with round wire with solder bridge

For heat­ing grids with var­i­ous inter­faces to the elec­tri­cal sys­tem, con­nec­tors with round wire with weld­ed sol­der bridge that vary in length and col­or are avail­able. These enable sol­der­ing with resis­tance or induction.


Connectors with round wire with older platelets

Con­nec­tors with round wire with sol­der platelets stand out due to their space-sav­ing design, and are more­over a cost-effec­tive type of contact.
