
Data Protection Statement

Name of the entity responsible:

FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG
rep­re­sent­ed by Man­ag­ing Director
Mrs. Ying Leib­nitz, Mr. Andreas Knoll
Polier­weg 6
04442 Zwenkau

General cookie settings

1. Introduction

Your per­son­al infor­ma­tion as a user is very impor­tant to us. For your infor­ma­tion, we will explain to you in the fol­low­ing sec­tion in what con­text we will col­lect, process and use your per­son­al data.

All data col­lect­ed here will be treat­ed as strict­ly con­fi­den­tial in our sphere of respon­si­bil­i­ty accord­ing to the spec­i­fi­ca­tions of the Ger­man Fed­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Law (BDSG), the Euro­pean Union Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (EU-GDPR), the Ger­man Broad­cast Media Act (TMG). We under­stand per­son­al data to include indi­vid­ual pieces of infor­ma­tion on per­son­al or fac­tu­al cir­cum­stances of an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fi­able nat­ur­al person.

2. Processing your personal information

FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG process­es your per­son­al data and infor­ma­tion for the pur­pose of acces­si­bil­i­ty of its own online pres­ence and to be able to offer the desired lev­el of ser­vice and for pro­cess­ing your inquiry that you com­mu­ni­cat­ed to us via the con­tact form. Trans­mis­sion of your per­son­al data to us on our web­site will be encrypt­ed. The legal basis for pro­cess­ing your data is your con­sent, which can be rescind­ed for the future at any time by you. Mail­ing address: FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG, Polier­weg 6, 04442 Zwenkau, Germany
E‑Mail: [css-email-obfuscator][/css-email-obfuscator]
Phone: +49 (0) 34203 / 465 — 0

3. Sending or transmitting your personal information

To the extent that FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG takes the imple­men­ta­tion and ful­fill­ment of tasks of ser­vice providers into account, the con­trac­tu­al rela­tion­ships are reg­u­lat­ed in writ­ing accord­ing to the deter­mi­na­tions of the Ger­man Fed­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Act (BDSG), the EU Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (EU-GDPR) valid from May 25, 2018, and the pro­tec­tion stan­dards of EU Data Pro­tec­tion Direc­tive 95/46/EC valid until May 24, 2018. In spe­cial cas­es, you will be asked for your consent.

In addi­tion, FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG can share anony­mous data with part­ners in order to con­duct sta­tis­ti­cal analy­ses. All of these par­ties are for­bid­den from using your per­son­al infor­ma­tion, as long as it will not be used for the FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG offering.
If a judi­cial order is pre­sent­ed, then FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG is autho­rized to for­ward your per­son­al data and infor­ma­tion to the law enforce­ment author­i­ties with­out inform­ing you of this.
Your per­son­al data will not be trans­mit­ted to so-called third countries.

4. Rights of the affected, permission and withdrawing permission

Your per­son­al data that has been shared with us via our web­site or by e‑mail will only be saved until the pur­pose you entrust­ed us with it has been achieved. If com­mer­cial, tax, or legal record reten­tion peri­ods must be observed, then the stor­age dura­tion peri­od for cer­tain data can be up to 10 years.

If you are no longer in agree­ment with the stor­age of your per­son­al data or find it has been incor­rect­ly stored, we will arrange for the rec­ti­fi­ca­tion, dele­tion, lim­i­ta­tion of pro­cess­ing, or revo­ca­tion of pro­cess­ing of your data fol­low­ing your cor­re­spond­ing revo­ca­tion, as long as this is pos­si­ble under the applic­a­ble law. Upon request, you will receive infor­ma­tion on all of your per­son­al data that we have saved about you free of charge. In addi­tion, there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty of data trans­mis­sion accord­ing to the EU Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion. Every affect­ed per­son has the right, regard­less of any oth­er legal or judi­cial reme­dies, to com­plain to a reg­u­lat­ing author­i­ty, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the mem­ber state of your place of res­i­den­cy, your work­place or the loca­tion of the pur­port­ed vio­la­tion, if the affect­ed per­son is of the opin­ion that the pro­cess­ing of the applic­a­ble per­son­al data vio­lates this regulation.

5. Cookies

The FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG web­site uses cook­ies to make it eas­i­er to use. A cook­ie is a text file from the serv­er that is saved to your hard dri­ve. Cook­ies can­not be used to run pro­grams or to spread a virus. Cook­ies are assigned to you per­son­al­ly, and can only be read from a web serv­er in the domain that cre­at­ed them.

One of the main rea­sons for using cook­ies is that it allows you to have a con­ve­nient user expe­ri­ence and saves you time. The task of a cook­ie is to report to the web serv­er that you have returned to a spe­cif­ic page. This would apply, for exam­ple, if you reg­is­ter on the FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG web page. The online cook­ie helps https://www.few-group.com to reuse spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion dur­ing future vis­its. This should assist you when inputting your per­son­al infor­ma­tion, such as invoic­ing and deliv­ery address­es. If you return to the same web­site, https://www.few-group.com, then your infor­ma­tion will once again be acces­si­ble and avail­able. In this way, the prop­er­ties of https://www.few-group.com can be adapt­ed to the needs of the customer.

You have the option to accept or decline cook­ies. Most web browsers accept cook­ies auto­mat­i­cal­ly, but you can set your brows­er to only save the cook­ies from the web­sites you pre­fer. Should you choose to decline cook­ies, it could be the case that the use of inter­ac­tive offers from https://www.few-group.com will no longer be possible.

6. Disclaimer

We occa­sion­al­ly refer to the web pages of asso­ci­at­ed com­pa­nies and third par­ties. Although we care­ful­ly select these third par­ties, we can­not assume any lia­bil­i­ty for the accu­ra­cy or com­plete­ness of the con­tent and the data pro­tec­tion of third par­ty web­sites. This data pro­tec­tion state­ment also does not apply to linked web­sites of third par­ties. All infor­ma­tion includ­ed on this web­site has been checked with the utmost care. How­ev­er, we can­not guar­an­tee that the con­tent of our own web pages is cor­rect, com­plete, and in its most up-to-date ver­sion at all times. Sub­stan­tial changes to this data pro­tec­tion state­ment will be updat­ed in a time­ly man­ner online on this page.


Contact information for the applicable regulating authority:

Mail­ing address:
Per­son respon­si­ble for Data Pro­tec­tion in the Ger­man state of Sax­ony (Der Säch­sis­che Datenschutzbeauftragte)
Mr. Andreas Schurig
Bern­hard-von-Lin­de­nau-Platz 1
01067 Dres­den, Germany

Please use only the mail­ing address for your correspondence.
Street address:
Per­son respon­si­ble for Data Pro­tec­tion in the Ger­man state of Sax­ony (Der Säch­sis­che Datenschutzbeauftragte)
Kon­tor am Landtag
Devri­entstraße 1
01067 Dres­den, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 351 / 493‑5401

Fax: +49 (0) 351 / 493‑5490
Inter­net: www.datenschutz.sachsen.de
E‑mail: saechsdsb_(at)_slt.sachsen.de — – No access for elec­tron­i­cal­ly signed documents!

7. Contact, questions, and comments

Con­tact infor­ma­tion for the per­son respon­si­ble for this website:

If you have any ques­tions that this data pro­tec­tion state­ment was unable to answer, we wel­come your questions.

FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG
Polier­weg 6
04442 Zwenkau, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 34203 / 465 — 0
Fax: +49 (0) 34203 / 465 — 25
E‑mail: info_(at)_few-group.com

If you have ques­tions, sug­ges­tions, or com­ments on the top­ic of data pro­tec­tion, please con­tact the per­son in our com­pa­ny respon­si­ble for data protection:
Ker­stin Herschel
Exter­nal Per­son Respon­si­ble for Data Protection
Phone: +49 (0) 351 266 / 2330
E‑mail: k.herschel_(at)_prodatis.com

Land­hausstraße 8
01067 Dresden

Ver­sion: Mai 2018

Further information:


The data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion of the FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG is based on the terms used by the Euro­pean leg­is­la­tor for the adop­tion of the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR). Our data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion should be leg­i­ble and under­stand­able for the gen­er­al pub­lic, as well as our cus­tomers and busi­ness part­ners. To ensure this, we would like to first explain the ter­mi­nol­o­gy used.

In this data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion, we use, inter alia, the fol­low­ing terms:

  • a) Personal data

    Per­son­al data means any infor­ma­tion relat­ing to an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fi­able nat­ur­al per­son (“data sub­ject”). An iden­ti­fi­able nat­ur­al per­son is one who can be iden­ti­fied, direct­ly or indi­rect­ly, in par­tic­u­lar by ref­er­ence to an iden­ti­fi­er such as a name, an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber, loca­tion data, an online iden­ti­fi­er or to one or more fac­tors spe­cif­ic to the phys­i­cal, phys­i­o­log­i­cal, genet­ic, men­tal, eco­nom­ic, cul­tur­al or social iden­ti­ty of that nat­ur­al person.

  • b) Data subject

    Data sub­ject is any iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fi­able nat­ur­al per­son, whose per­son­al data is processed by the con­troller respon­si­ble for the processing.

  • c) Processing

    Pro­cess­ing is any oper­a­tion or set of oper­a­tions which is per­formed on per­son­al data or on sets of per­son­al data, whether or not by auto­mat­ed means, such as col­lec­tion, record­ing, organ­i­sa­tion, struc­tur­ing, stor­age, adap­ta­tion or alter­ation, retrieval, con­sul­ta­tion, use, dis­clo­sure by trans­mis­sion, dis­sem­i­na­tion or oth­er­wise mak­ing avail­able, align­ment or com­bi­na­tion, restric­tion, era­sure or destruction.

  • d) Restriction of processing

    Restric­tion of pro­cess­ing is the mark­ing of stored per­son­al data with the aim of lim­it­ing their pro­cess­ing in the future.

  • e) Profiling

    Pro­fil­ing means any form of auto­mat­ed pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data con­sist­ing of the use of per­son­al data to eval­u­ate cer­tain per­son­al aspects relat­ing to a nat­ur­al per­son, in par­tic­u­lar to analyse or pre­dict aspects con­cern­ing that nat­ur­al per­son­’s per­for­mance at work, eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion, health, per­son­al pref­er­ences, inter­ests, reli­a­bil­i­ty, behav­iour, loca­tion or movements.

  • f) Pseudonymisation

    Pseu­do­nymi­sa­tion is the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data in such a man­ner that the per­son­al data can no longer be attrib­uted to a spe­cif­ic data sub­ject with­out the use of addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, pro­vid­ed that such addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion is kept sep­a­rate­ly and is sub­ject to tech­ni­cal and organ­i­sa­tion­al mea­sures to ensure that the per­son­al data are not attrib­uted to an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fi­able nat­ur­al person.

  • g) Controller or controller responsible for the processing

    Con­troller or con­troller respon­si­ble for the pro­cess­ing is the nat­ur­al or legal per­son, pub­lic author­i­ty, agency or oth­er body which, alone or joint­ly with oth­ers, deter­mines the pur­pos­es and means of the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data; where the pur­pos­es and means of such pro­cess­ing are deter­mined by Union or Mem­ber State law, the con­troller or the spe­cif­ic cri­te­ria for its nom­i­na­tion may be pro­vid­ed for by Union or Mem­ber State law.

  • h) Processor

    Proces­sor is a nat­ur­al or legal per­son, pub­lic author­i­ty, agency or oth­er body which process­es per­son­al data on behalf of the controller.

  • i) Recipient

    Recip­i­ent is a nat­ur­al or legal per­son, pub­lic author­i­ty, agency or anoth­er body, to which the per­son­al data are dis­closed, whether a third par­ty or not. How­ev­er, pub­lic author­i­ties which may receive per­son­al data in the frame­work of a par­tic­u­lar inquiry in accor­dance with Union or Mem­ber State law shall not be regard­ed as recip­i­ents; the pro­cess­ing of those data by those pub­lic author­i­ties shall be in com­pli­ance with the applic­a­ble data pro­tec­tion rules accord­ing to the pur­pos­es of the processing.

  • j) Third party

    Third par­ty is a nat­ur­al or legal per­son, pub­lic author­i­ty, agency or body oth­er than the data sub­ject, con­troller, proces­sor and per­sons who, under the direct author­i­ty of the con­troller or proces­sor, are autho­rised to process per­son­al data.

  • k) Consent

    Con­sent of the data sub­ject is any freely giv­en, spe­cif­ic, informed and unam­bigu­ous indi­ca­tion of the data sub­jec­t’s wish­es by which he or she, by a state­ment or by a clear affir­ma­tive action, sig­ni­fies agree­ment to the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data relat­ing to him or her.

Collection of general data and information

The web­site of the FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG col­lects a series of gen­er­al data and infor­ma­tion when a data sub­ject or auto­mat­ed sys­tem calls up the web­site. This gen­er­al data and infor­ma­tion are stored in the serv­er log files. Col­lect­ed may be (1) the brows­er types and ver­sions used, (2) the oper­at­ing sys­tem used by the access­ing sys­tem, (3) the web­site from which an access­ing sys­tem reach­es our web­site (so-called refer­rers), (4) the sub-web­sites, (5) the date and time of access to the Inter­net site, (6) an Inter­net pro­to­col address (IP address), (7) the Inter­net ser­vice provider of the access­ing sys­tem, and (8) any oth­er sim­i­lar data and infor­ma­tion that may be used in the event of attacks on our infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy systems.

When using these gen­er­al data and infor­ma­tion, the FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG does not draw any con­clu­sions about the data sub­ject. Rather, this infor­ma­tion is need­ed to (1) deliv­er the con­tent of our web­site cor­rect­ly, (2) opti­mize the con­tent of our web­site as well as its adver­tise­ment, (3) ensure the long-term via­bil­i­ty of our infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy sys­tems and web­site tech­nol­o­gy, and (4) pro­vide law enforce­ment author­i­ties with the infor­ma­tion nec­es­sary for crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion in case of a cyber-attack. There­fore, the FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG ana­lyzes anony­mous­ly col­lect­ed data and infor­ma­tion sta­tis­ti­cal­ly, with the aim of increas­ing the data pro­tec­tion and data secu­ri­ty of our enter­prise, and to ensure an opti­mal lev­el of pro­tec­tion for the per­son­al data we process. The anony­mous data of the serv­er log files are stored sep­a­rate­ly from all per­son­al data pro­vid­ed by a data subject.

Registration on our website

The data sub­ject has the pos­si­bil­i­ty to reg­is­ter on the web­site of the con­troller with the indi­ca­tion of per­son­al data. Which per­son­al data are trans­mit­ted to the con­troller is deter­mined by the respec­tive input mask used for the reg­is­tra­tion. The per­son­al data entered by the data sub­ject are col­lect­ed and stored exclu­sive­ly for inter­nal use by the con­troller, and for his own pur­pos­es. The con­troller may request trans­fer to one or more proces­sors (e.g. a par­cel ser­vice) that also uses per­son­al data for an inter­nal pur­pose which is attrib­ut­able to the controller.

By reg­is­ter­ing on the web­site of the con­troller, the IP address—assigned by the Inter­net ser­vice provider (ISP) and used by the data subject—date, and time of the reg­is­tra­tion are also stored. The stor­age of this data takes place against the back­ground that this is the only way to pre­vent the mis­use of our ser­vices, and, if nec­es­sary, to make it pos­si­ble to inves­ti­gate com­mit­ted offens­es. Inso­far, the stor­age of this data is nec­es­sary to secure the con­troller. This data is not passed on to third par­ties unless there is a statu­to­ry oblig­a­tion to pass on the data, or if the trans­fer serves the aim of crim­i­nal prosecution.

The reg­is­tra­tion of the data sub­ject, with the vol­un­tary indi­ca­tion of per­son­al data, is intend­ed to enable the con­troller to offer the data sub­ject con­tents or ser­vices that may only be offered to reg­is­tered users due to the nature of the mat­ter in ques­tion. Reg­is­tered per­sons are free to change the per­son­al data spec­i­fied dur­ing the reg­is­tra­tion at any time, or to have them com­plete­ly delet­ed from the data stock of the controller.

The data con­troller shall, at any time, pro­vide infor­ma­tion upon request to each data sub­ject as to what per­son­al data are stored about the data sub­ject. In addi­tion, the data con­troller shall cor­rect or erase per­son­al data at the request or indi­ca­tion of the data sub­ject, inso­far as there are no statu­to­ry stor­age oblig­a­tions. A Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer par­tic­u­lar­ly des­ig­nat­ed in this data pro­tec­tion dec­la­ra­tion, as well as the entire­ty of the controller’s employ­ees are avail­able to the data sub­ject in this respect as con­tact persons.

Contact possibility via the website

The web­site of the FEW Fahrzeugelek­trik Werk GmbH & Co. KG con­tains infor­ma­tion that enables a quick elec­tron­ic con­tact to our enter­prise, as well as direct com­mu­ni­ca­tion with us, which also includes a gen­er­al address of the so-called elec­tron­ic mail (e‑mail address). If a data sub­ject con­tacts the con­troller by e‑mail or via a con­tact form, the per­son­al data trans­mit­ted by the data sub­ject are auto­mat­i­cal­ly stored. Such per­son­al data trans­mit­ted on a vol­un­tary basis by a data sub­ject to the data con­troller are stored for the pur­pose of pro­cess­ing or con­tact­ing the data sub­ject. There is no trans­fer of this per­son­al data to third parties.

The data con­troller shall process and store the per­son­al data of the data sub­ject only for the peri­od nec­es­sary to achieve the pur­pose of stor­age, or as far as this is grant­ed by the Euro­pean leg­is­la­tor or oth­er leg­is­la­tors in laws or reg­u­la­tions to which the con­troller is sub­ject to.

If the stor­age pur­pose is not applic­a­ble, or if a stor­age peri­od pre­scribed by the Euro­pean leg­is­la­tor or anoth­er com­pe­tent leg­is­la­tor expires, the per­son­al data are rou­tine­ly blocked or erased in accor­dance with legal requirements.

Data protection for applications and the application procedures

The data con­troller shall col­lect and process the per­son­al data of appli­cants for the pur­pose of the pro­cess­ing of the appli­ca­tion pro­ce­dure. The pro­cess­ing may also be car­ried out elec­tron­i­cal­ly. This is the case, in par­tic­u­lar, if an appli­cant sub­mits cor­re­spond­ing appli­ca­tion doc­u­ments by e‑mail or by means of a web form on the web­site to the con­troller. If the data con­troller con­cludes an employ­ment con­tract with an appli­cant, the sub­mit­ted data will be stored for the pur­pose of pro­cess­ing the employ­ment rela­tion­ship in com­pli­ance with legal require­ments. If no employ­ment con­tract is con­clud­ed with the appli­cant by the con­troller, the appli­ca­tion doc­u­ments shall be auto­mat­i­cal­ly erased two months after noti­fi­ca­tion of the refusal deci­sion, pro­vid­ed that no oth­er legit­i­mate inter­ests of the con­troller are opposed to the era­sure. Oth­er legit­i­mate inter­est in this rela­tion is, e.g. a bur­den of proof in a pro­ce­dure under the Gen­er­al Equal Treat­ment Act (AGG).

Data protection provisions about the application and use of Google reCAPTCHA

We use “Google reCAPTCHA” (here­inafter “reCAPTCHA”) on our web­sites. This ser­vice is pro­vid­ed by Google Inc., 1600 Amphithe­ater Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”).

reCAPTCHA is used to check whether the data entered on our web­site (such as on a con­tact form) has been entered by a human or by an auto­mat­ed pro­gram. To do this, reCAPTCHA ana­lyzes the behav­ior of the web­site vis­i­tor based on var­i­ous char­ac­ter­is­tics. This analy­sis starts auto­mat­i­cal­ly as soon as the web­site vis­i­tor enters the web­site. For the analy­sis, reCAPTCHA eval­u­ates var­i­ous infor­ma­tion (e.g. IP address, how long the vis­i­tor has been on the web­site, or mouse move­ments made by the user). The data col­lect­ed dur­ing the analy­sis will be for­ward­ed to Google.

The reCAPTCHA analy­ses take place com­plete­ly in the back­ground. Web­site vis­i­tors are not advised that such an analy­sis is tak­ing place.

Data pro­cess­ing is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. The web­site oper­a­tor has a legit­i­mate inter­est in pro­tect­ing its site from abu­sive auto­mat­ed crawl­ing and spam.

For more infor­ma­tion about Google reCAPTCHA and Google’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy, please vis­it the fol­low­ing links: https://www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy/ and https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/android.html.

Legal basis for the processing

Art. 6(1) lit. a GDPR serves as the legal basis for pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions for which we obtain con­sent for a spe­cif­ic pro­cess­ing pur­pose. If the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data is nec­es­sary for the per­for­mance of a con­tract to which the data sub­ject is par­ty, as is the case, for exam­ple, when pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions are nec­es­sary for the sup­ply of goods or to pro­vide any oth­er ser­vice, the pro­cess­ing is based on Arti­cle 6(1) lit. b GDPR. The same applies to such pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions which are nec­es­sary for car­ry­ing out pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­sures, for exam­ple in the case of inquiries con­cern­ing our prod­ucts or ser­vices. Is our com­pa­ny sub­ject to a legal oblig­a­tion by which pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data is required, such as for the ful­fill­ment of tax oblig­a­tions, the pro­cess­ing is based on Art. 6(1) lit. c GDPR.
In rare cas­es, the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data may be nec­es­sary to pro­tect the vital inter­ests of the data sub­ject or of anoth­er nat­ur­al per­son. This would be the case, for exam­ple, if a vis­i­tor were injured in our com­pa­ny and his name, age, health insur­ance data or oth­er vital infor­ma­tion would have to be passed on to a doc­tor, hos­pi­tal or oth­er third par­ty. Then the pro­cess­ing would be based on Art. 6(1) lit. d GDPR.
Final­ly, pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions could be based on Arti­cle 6(1) lit. f GDPR. This legal basis is used for pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions which are not cov­ered by any of the above­men­tioned legal grounds, if pro­cess­ing is nec­es­sary for the pur­pos­es of the legit­i­mate inter­ests pur­sued by our com­pa­ny or by a third par­ty, except where such inter­ests are over­rid­den by the inter­ests or fun­da­men­tal rights and free­doms of the data sub­ject which require pro­tec­tion of per­son­al data. Such pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions are par­tic­u­lar­ly per­mis­si­ble because they have been specif­i­cal­ly men­tioned by the Euro­pean leg­is­la­tor. He con­sid­ered that a legit­i­mate inter­est could be assumed if the data sub­ject is a client of the con­troller (Recital 47 Sen­tence 2 GDPR).

The legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party

Where the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data is based on Arti­cle 6(1) lit. f GDPR our legit­i­mate inter­est is to car­ry out our busi­ness in favor of the well-being of all our employ­ees and the shareholders.

Provision of personal data as statutory or contractual requirement; Requirement necessary to enter into a contract; Obligation of the data subject to provide the personal data; possible consequences of failure to provide such data

We clar­i­fy that the pro­vi­sion of per­son­al data is part­ly required by law (e.g. tax reg­u­la­tions) or can also result from con­trac­tu­al pro­vi­sions (e.g. infor­ma­tion on the con­trac­tu­al partner).

Some­times it may be nec­es­sary to con­clude a con­tract that the data sub­ject pro­vides us with per­son­al data, which must sub­se­quent­ly be processed by us. The data sub­ject is, for exam­ple, oblig­ed to pro­vide us with per­son­al data when our com­pa­ny signs a con­tract with him or her. The non-pro­vi­sion of the per­son­al data would have the con­se­quence that the con­tract with the data sub­ject could not be concluded.

Before per­son­al data is pro­vid­ed by the data sub­ject, the data sub­ject must con­tact our Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer. Our Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer clar­i­fies to the data sub­ject whether the pro­vi­sion of the per­son­al data is required by law or con­tract or is nec­es­sary for the con­clu­sion of the con­tract, whether there is an oblig­a­tion to pro­vide the per­son­al data and the con­se­quences of non-pro­vi­sion of the per­son­al data.

Existence of automated decision-making

As a respon­si­ble com­pa­ny, we do not use auto­mat­ic deci­sion-mak­ing or profiling.

This Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy has been gen­er­at­ed by the Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy Gen­er­a­tor of the DGD — Your Exter­nal DPO that was devel­oped in coop­er­a­tion with RC GmbH, which sells used com­put­ers and the Ger­man Lawyers from WBS-LAW.

Infor­ma­tion duties accord­ing Art. 13 for cus­tomers, busi­ness part­ners and appli­ants as PDF.