
Connectors with round wire with pre-soldered crimp contact

Product features

For con­nec­tors with round wire with pre-sol­dered crimp con­tact and var­i­ous inter­faces, includ­ing hous­ings, are avail­able. This prod­uct is unique in com­bi­na­tion with the patent­ed sol­der platelets in the ter­mi­nal block, which allow for auto­mat­ed removal and sim­ple positioning.

  • Avail­able lengths: From 35.0 mm, exclud­ing housing
  • Cable cross sec­tion: 0.22 mmup to 6.00 mm2
  • Con­tacts and hous­ings neu­tral or with OEM logo
  • Avail­able sizes: 
    • Wire end sleeve: B‑crimp 4.5 mm x 2.6 mm
    • Sol­der platelets: 6.0 mm x 8.0 mm
    • Sol­der platelets: 4.0 mm x 4.5 mm (patent­ed)
    • Addi­tion­al sol­der objects and sizes can be selected
  • Pre-sol­der­ing: Alloy, flux and sol­der quan­ti­ty accord­ing to the cus­tomer’s specifications
  • Over­mold­ing accord­ing to cus­tomer requirements
  • Wrap­ping made of felt or foam as pro­tec­tion from sharp edges and to pre­vent noise emis­sion can be installed
  • Also avail­able in a lead-free variant

Connectors with round wire with wire end sleeve and additional solder sleeve

For use as an anten­na con­nec­tor, con­nec­tors with round wire and pre-sol­dered crimped wire end sleeve that is pro­vid­ed with a space-sav­ing and cost-effec­tive sol­der joint, can be select­ed from sev­er­al variants.


Connectors with round wire with pre-soldered crimp contact

The con­nec­tors with round wire with wire end sleeve and the sol­der sleeve spe­cial­ly devel­oped by FEW are an opti­mal solu­tion for pro­cess­ing with a sol­der­ing iron due to the increased sol­der volume.


Connectors with round wire with terminal block

These con­nec­tors with round wire are pro­vid­ed with a patent­ed ter­mi­nal block spe­cial­ly devel­oped by FEW. Defined inter­vals between the con­tacts allow for a pre­cise appli­ca­tion at the cus­tomer’s loca­tion. The ter­mi­nal block is avail­able in both three-pin and six-pin designs. The num­ber of pin con­fig­u­ra­tions can vary.


Connectors with round wire with riveted solder platelets

The con­nec­tor with round wire with riv­et­ed sol­der platelets is a fur­ther devel­op­ment of two-dimen­sion­al pre-sol­der­ing. This spe­cial man­u­fac­tur­ing method allows for direct con­tact of the sol­der iron with the sol­der so that costs dur­ing fur­ther pro­cess­ing can be minimized.


Connectors with round wire with overmolding

These con­nec­tors with round wire can be man­u­fac­tured entire­ly accord­ing to the cus­tomer’s require­ments in terms of size, design and posi­tion. The over­mold­ing body can be obtained in both rigid and in bend­able vari­ants. As an instal­la­tion aid, this can opti­mize the sol­der­ing process and improve the anten­na per­for­mance due to the defined cable intervals.


Additional variants